VOCOMOTION New Studio Construction Diary

How We Are “Green”

As we went through the planning process and were looking at materials for the new studio, we decided that we should use as many reclaimed, recycled, and renewable materials as possible in the construction of the new studio. Here’s what we’re going to do so far:

  • Ultratouch™ Recycled Denim Insulation - Actually made from old jeans. Safe to handle (much better than fiberglass) and is even more efficient.
  • Bamboo Flooring - Bamboo is not a tree, but actually a grass. It grows really fast and is a great renewable material. Very hard material, and cool looking too!
  • Recycled Carpet - For the raised platform areas. Made from 100% post-consumer recycled food and drink containers (made with top quality PET resins as required by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration - lower off gassing - VOC’s).
  • Recycled Fabric-wrapped Panels - The Guilford of Maine fabric we’re using (Terratex/FR701) is made from 100% recycled material.
  • Inverter Split HVAC - Very efficient air conditioning and heating system using inverter technology to run quieter and more efficiently. Uses environmentally-friendly refrigerant.
  • LED Lighting - We’re researching using as much LED lighting in the space as possible.