VOCOMOTION New Studio Construction Diary

Planning To Be “Green”

As I’m going through the planning process and looking at materials, etc, I was thinking that we should use as many reclaimed, recycled, and renewable materials as possible in the construction of the new studio. Here’s what we’re going to do so far:

  • Recycled Denim Insulation - Actually made from old jeans. Safe to handle (much better than fiberglass) and is even more efficient.
  • Bamboo Flooring - Bamboo is not a tree, but actually a grass. It grows really fast and is a great renewable material. Very hard material, and cool looking too!
  • Recycled Carpet - For the raised platform areas. Made from 100% post-consumer recycled food and drink containers (made with top quality PET resins as required by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration - lower off gassing - VOC’s)
  • Inverter Split HVAC - Very efficient air conditioning and heating system using inverter technology to run quieter and more efficiently. Uses environmentally-friendly refrigerant.
  • LED Lighting - We’re researching using as much LED lighting in the space as possibility. I’m designing a new studio product that uses LEDs and my LED guy in Toronto is helping us put together a great efficient lighting system.

Can anyone thing of anything else we can do? Other possibilities are recycled wallboard. Hmmm…

4 Responses to “Planning To Be “Green””

  1. Julia Says:

    I was just reading an article our admin had in some magazine (Metropolitan Home?) about the truths of building green. I’m going to see if she still has it so that I can send it to you. It had the usual ideas (i.e. compact fluorescents) but also some interesting insights on materials you would think would be green but aren’t because of the environmental costs of creating them or shipping them. Hopefully I can scan and email but if not, I may throw back into the 90’s and fax…

  2. Julia Says:

    Oh also, my second point was that my brother can do amazing things with LEDs (like make animated signs as thin as posterboard). If you want to turn your studio into a disco party, I’m happy to send you his email address.

  3. Ariel Says:

    Where does one get Recycled Denim Insulation ?? that sounds great !! Great layout and site - Ariel

  4. admin Says:

    This place has the Ultratouch insulation: http://www.greenmakersupply.com/products/recycled_cotton_insulation_r_30__24_in/275.php

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